The 8th Congress of Polish Medievalists will be held from September 17 to 20, 2025 in Gniezno under the slogan "Power - crown - territory". Both the place and the main theme of this "medievalists' festival" refer to the jubilee of the first Polish royal coronation in 1025. This is another edition of the event initiated almost a quarter of a century ago by the Standing Committee of Polish Medievalists.
2025-02-28 Submission period for the papers to be included in the thematic sections ends
2025-04-15 Submission period for the proposals for topics for the poster section ends
2025-04-15 Electronic registration of KMP 2025 participants begins
2025-04-15 Announcement of the preliminary program of all the sections for the Congress via the Congress website
2025-05-01 Announcement of the selected topics for the poster section
2025-07-15 Electronic registration of Congress speakers ends
2025-08-01 Announcement of the final program of the Congress
2025-08-15 Electronic registration of Congress participants ends
2025-08-15 Last day to cancel a prior registration in the Congress or individual accompanying events, that shall result in a full refund
2025-09-01 Publication of materials for the topics of the poster section
2025-09-17 The Congress begins
2025-09-20 The Congress ends
Ewelina Siemianowska
Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie
dr Michał Bogacki
Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie
Lista członków Komitetu Organizacyjnego
Marta Siłakowska
Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie
dr Kamil Wasilkiewicz
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Instytut Kultury Europejskiej w Gnieźnie
Thematic sections
Sedes regni principales: the place and role of strongholds in the emergence of the early medieval Piast dominion
On the trail of the Bolesławs - memory of the rule of the first Piasts
Weapons - tool and symbol of power
The Early-Piast "Codices pretiosi" as an attribute of power. Facts and interpretations
Royal Power and the Sacred (10th-11th centuries).
Territoriality of power versus the mobility of people and ideas
Military orders in relations of power and in relations with the authorities
The power elites of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia in the late 4th – first quarter of the 13th century in the light of written and archaeological sources.
From Tribal Societies to Monarchic Powers: Medieval States and Societies in the Lands to the East and South-East of the Baltic Sea
Pragmatic Literacy of Church institutions in the Late Middle Ages
Women and Power in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (Central Europe)
Return to Poland of Mieszko and Bolesław the Brave - Polish historical sciences towards the areas of western and northern Poland annexed in 1945
Exposing power: Women's agency in medieval literature and art
One crown, many ethnicities. The multi-ethnic political communities of medieval Europe
The role of monasteries in strengthening royal and princely power - economic aspects
Pulpit and power
Between East and West. The Political Culture of Outremer, 1100-1204
Tiara on the Vistula: Papal Authority in Medieval Poland (11th-15th Centuries)
Realm and National Community in Vincentius Kadłubek’s „Chronicle of the Poles”
1025-1320 (1370) - The Piast Royal Crown: Myths and Reality
De spatio singnando. Material determinants of space and its organization in the Middle Ages
Auxiliary Sciences of History in Research on the History of Poland from the 10th to the 13th Century: Past – Present – Future
Religions, Magic, Rituals and power – Within the Beliefs of Early Medieval Central Europe
Early medieval strongholds in the Middle East Europe as an instruments of power over people and territory
The origin of the Old Polish Christian terminology of ruling
Chronographies and letopises. Historical literature of the Byzantine-Slavic cultural circles in the Middle Ages. Sources from the eastern periphery of the Piasts’ power territory
Ways of manifesting secular and ecclesiastical power in medieval sources
From Jatviag to Mindaugas. The Lands of the Balts in the Early Middle Ages
Work - creator - funder. History of art and archaeology of architecture toward processes of social identity formation
Sub cuius potestatem? Silesian monks - books - texts - ideas
New form of participation in the Congress: panel discussions
Due to numerous questions about other forms of participation in the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists, we hasten to announce that in addition to the traditional thematic sections, we have decided...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists - Stowarzyszenie Muzealników Polskich
We are pleased to announce another patron who has taken the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists under its auspices. It is the Association of Polish...
The announcement of accepted thematic sections
After an intense discussion, we are pleased to announce this year's thematic sections. At the same time, we open the call for papers, to which we are cordially inviting at this link. Submissions are...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists – Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
We are extremely pleased to announce that another patron of the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists has become the Poznan Society of Friends of...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists - Stowarzyszenie Archeologii Środowiskowej
We are pleased to announce another patronage, which includes the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists. The patron is the Society for Environmental Archaeology. We hope that this patronage will ensure...
More than 40 section submissions!
In recent days, the number of proposed thematic sections for the Congress of Polish Medievalists has broken through the barrier of 40 submissions. Their issues are very broad and touch on many...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists – Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne
We are pleased to announce another patronage extention to the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists. The patron is the Polish Anthropological Society, whose Gniezno Funerals conference is hosted each...
Przedłużenie terminu naboru sekcji tematycznych
Kongres Mediewistów Polskich cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem, a liczba przesyłanych zgłoszeń sekcji ciągle rośnie. Z tego powodu zdecydowaliśmy się na przedłużenie terminu zakończenia...
Mamy pierwszego patrona - Stowarzyszenie Archiwistów Polskich
Śpieszymy z informacją, że patronat nad VIII Kongresem Mediewistów Polskich objęło Stowarzyszenie Archiwistów Polskich, których - jak napisał pięknie w odpowiedzi jego prezes Andrzej...
Zaproszenia do objęcia patronatu nad KMP
Dyrektorzy obu instytucji organizujących VIII KMP podpisali oficjalne zaproszenia do objęcia patronatu nad tym ważnym dla mediewistów wydarzeniem. Wkrótce poznamy...
The first section applications
In recent days, we have already received two applications from thematic sections, which makes us extremely happy as the organizers. We can reveal that the first proposal concerns the Polish early...
The recruitment of proposals for thematic sections is starting
From now until September 30, 2024, you can submit a proposal for a thematic section via the electronic form. We would like to remind you that it is submitted by potential Coordinators, i.e. two or...
Here we go!
We’re pleased to announce that the official website of the 8th Congress of Polish Medievalists has been launched today. We cannot hide our pride because for the first time the 'medievalists'...