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Deadline for paper proposals is approaching
Time is passing and the deadline for submitting paper proposals for the Congress sections is approaching. There are only 9 days left to become a part of the biggest celebration of medievalists in Poland. Therefore, we invite yet undecided researchers from Poland and abroad to submit papers through the form available at this link. At the same time, we remind you that this is also the deadline for submitting proposals for discussion panels, the submission form for which can be found here. The...
The call for panel discussions and poster session
The call for panel discussions and poster session of the Congress of Polish Medievalists is launched. We invite all speakers who have an idea for a scientific debate and want to conduct it before an audience. Equally cordially we want to invite master's and doctoral students, who wish to present their research, related to the subject of the Congress, in poster form. You will find all the information in the regulations at: https: //, regulations.html. We are...
New form of participation in the Congress: panel discussions
Due to numerous questions about other forms of participation in the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists, we hasten to announce that in addition to the traditional thematic sections, we have decided to offer other events, which are panel discussions. Our idea is that they should have a more open structure and thus engage the audience to interact with the speakers. For more information on their nature, organization and how to apply, we refer you to the updated Congress regulations at this link...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists - Stowarzyszenie Muzealników Polskich
We are pleased to announce another patron who has taken the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists under its auspices. It is the Association of Polish...
The announcement of accepted thematic sections
After an intense discussion, we are pleased to announce this year's thematic sections. At the same time, we open the call for papers, to which we are cordially inviting at this link. Submissions are accepted until February 28, 2025. The list of sections with their coordinators can be found below: Prof. dr hab. Hanna Kóčka-Krenz (UAM), dr hab. Marcin Danielewski, prof. UAM (UAM), dr Paweł Sankiewicz (Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy), Sedes regni principales: the place and role of...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists – Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk
We are extremely pleased to announce that another patron of the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists has become the Poznan Society of Friends of...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists - Stowarzyszenie Archeologii Środowiskowej
We are pleased to announce another patronage, which includes the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists. The patron is the Society for Environmental Archaeology. We hope that this patronage will ensure that the natural sciences - so important for understanding man's past relationship with nature - will find representation at the...
More than 40 section submissions!
In recent days, the number of proposed thematic sections for the Congress of Polish Medievalists has broken through the barrier of 40 submissions. Their issues are very broad and touch on many aspects and types of power in the Middle Ages. We are invariably pleased with such interest, and thank all submitters for this large...
Patronage of the Congress of Polish Medievalists – Polskie Towarzystwo Antropologiczne
We are pleased to announce another patronage extention to the VIII Congress of Polish Medievalists. The patron is the Polish Anthropological Society, whose Gniezno Funerals conference is hosted each year at the headquarters of the Institute of European Culture in...
Przedłużenie terminu naboru sekcji tematycznych
Kongres Mediewistów Polskich cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem, a liczba przesyłanych zgłoszeń sekcji ciągle rośnie. Z tego powodu zdecydowaliśmy się na przedłużenie terminu zakończenia naboru sekcji tematycznych do 20 października 2024 r. Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału wszystkich jeszcze...
Mamy pierwszego patrona - Stowarzyszenie Archiwistów Polskich
Śpieszymy z informacją, że patronat nad VIII Kongresem Mediewistów Polskich objęło Stowarzyszenie Archiwistów Polskich, których - jak napisał pięknie w odpowiedzi jego prezes Andrzej Jabłoński – „codzienna działalność to opieka i zabezpieczanie dóbr kultury, w tym źródeł powstania państwa...
Zaproszenia do objęcia patronatu nad KMP
Dyrektorzy obu instytucji organizujących VIII KMP podpisali oficjalne zaproszenia do objęcia patronatu nad tym ważnym dla mediewistów wydarzeniem. Wkrótce poznamy...
The first section applications
In recent days, we have already received two applications from thematic sections, which makes us extremely happy as the organizers. We can reveal that the first proposal concerns the Polish early Middle Ages, while the second one concerns the Crusades to the Holy Land. We would like to remind you that section proposals can be submitted until 30 September 30...
The recruitment of proposals for thematic sections is starting
From now until September 30, 2024, you can submit a proposal for a thematic section via the electronic form. We would like to remind you that it is submitted by potential Coordinators, i.e. two or three people, at least one of whom must be affiliated with an institution conducting scientific activities and must have an academic degree or title. Details can be found in the regulations (§ 3, point 4). We are...
Here we go!
We’re pleased to announce that the official website of the 8th Congress of Polish Medievalists has been launched today. We cannot hide our pride because for the first time the 'medievalists' holiday' has its own website, especially dedicated to it. We hope that the website we have prepared will be useful for future congresses.will be used for subsequent congresses. This is where you will find all the necessary information about this event, including the most important thing – dates, you...